

2024-07-21 15:23:50 来源:网络


a retail store needs to know where shoppers go in their shop - footflow it's called.
love 爱shoe 鞋hope 帮助piano 钢琴popular 流行的soft 柔软的boy 男孩pool 水池cool 凉爽的hot 热poor 贫穷的long 长的short 短的across 穿过cross 绕过violin 小提琴foot 脚football 足球bowl 碗太多了。


跳舞用英语怎么读 -
flow , foot , jump , stream vt. 跳舞;使跳跃jump , bound adj. 舞蹈的;用于跳舞的orchestic , terpsichorean 同根词:词根:dance danceable (指音乐)适合跳舞的(名词danceability)dancer 舞蹈家;舞蹈演员;舞女;跳舞者dancing 跳舞;舞蹈词语辨析:ball, dance 这组词都有“舞会”等我继续说。
tower /'tauE/ n.塔foot /fut/ n.英尺at the same time 同时;但,然而again and again 再三地,反复地result /ri'zQlt/ n.结果;效果unless /'Qn'les/ conj.除非;如果..不. hold等我继续说。back 阻止discovery /dis'kQvEri/ n.发现discourage /dis'kQridVE/ vt.使泄气discouraged /dis'kQridVEd等我继续说。
“流量”,上网的词,用英语怎么说 -
但是,关于"净"流量的增加以及是否有足够的资金流向关键的地区,如非洲,依然是令人忧虑的问题。Combined with reduced blood flow, neuropathy in the feet increases the chance of foot ulcers and eventual limb amputation.足部神经病与血流量减少结合在一起,增加了患足部溃疡的可能,最终导致截肢。
2. the act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace 同义词:run 3. the state of being in operation 4. the act of administering or being in charge of something 5. the act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track 同义词:track 动词run:1. 后面会介绍。
英语有哪些音标 -
15. [ou] [u] go [gou] [gu] flow, grow, low, so 16. [au] now [nau], bow, loud, how, crown 17. [i] boy [bi], annoy, employ, joy, enjoy 18. [i] here [hi], mere, gear, rear, fear 19. [ε] care [kε], bare, fair, chair, air 20. [u等我继续说。
100个英语单词 -
central 在中心的crop 庄稼scenic 景色优美的queen 女王castle 城堡wine 葡萄酒culture 文化concert 音乐会wonderful 令人赞叹的harbour 港湾cable car 电缆车delicious 美味的restaurant 餐厅sunshine 阳光step 台阶amazing 令人惊奇的parachute 降落伞home town 家乡crowded 拥挤的some后面会介绍。
foot / fut/ n.脚;最下部;英尺football / 5futbR:l/ n.足球比赛;足球footstep / 5futstep/ n.脚步;脚步声;足迹for / fR:, fE/ prep.为;给;因为forbid / fE5bid/ vt.禁止,不许;阻止force / fR:s/ vt.强迫n.力,力量forecast / 5fR:ka:st/ n.预测,预报vt.预示forehead / 5说完了。